Friday, March 27, 2009

I Can Do Backflips Too

As you can see, I have started to incorporate news into my blog. Why? Because I like following the news despite some flaws in gaming news coverage (listen to Rebel FM podcast episode 12). I am not hoping to correct those flaws, in fact, I'm not concerned about every single tiny detail of the story. I'm just concerned about my reaction and the gaming community's reaction to the news. Most of my stories will come from's news coverage, because I don't get out of the house much and am too lazy to fly across the country to PAX, E3, or GDC. I will credit the source in all of my blog posts and post a link to the full, in-depth story most of the time. My goal is for this site to have casual news coverage for people who care enough to read it, and links to the real story for the people who care for more complete news coverage. Now that I'm done telling you to go to a different site besides mine (don't), have a news-filled day folks (don't expect me to report on it)!


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